9 Reasons You Should Work In Electronics

By | on 9th June 2017 | 0 Comment

Electronic engineering is a field where the sky is the limit, this is especially true recently with the shortage of engineers in the UK.

1. Opportunities worldwide

Electronics are essential in many careers worldwide, a career in electrical engineering can allow you to experience the world and get a good wage for doing so. Many companies even offer benefits or free time to take in the sights whilst working for them. This way you can further your career, gain knowledge and enjoy a completely new setting.

girl working with robotics

2. High average starting wage

Finances can be strained post university as you enter possibly the hardest time financially of your life – before you’ve had time to progress in your career you need to be saving your money not spending it. Electronic and electrical engineering positions have high starting salaries after graduation compared to other fields. This can make this tricky period less stressful.

3. DIY

Doing tasks yourself is not only immensely rewarding, it saves money and makes you look pretty cool. Most people can change a light bulb, but you’ll be able to fix and diagnose issues in far more complex devices. You can even create your own solutions to household problems if you feel so inclined.

4. A start you won’t regret

While the studying might be more difficult than a lot of other options, it sets you up with immense problem solving skills and abilities. You may not even end up in the electrical engineering field – but you most likely won’t regret your initial decision to study it.

electrical engineer working

5. New technology and methodology

As technology and methodology is ever changing, there’s a high chance the way you work and how you work will change over time too. This definitely makes things a lot more interesting and gives your daily work-life much more variety.

6. Problem solving

Problem solving is key to many different jobs related to electrical engineering. This can feel very rewarding and makes the field uniquely satisfying to you when working within it. Constant problem solving has been linked to high levels of job satisfaction and is one a sought after skill from employers.

7. Helping others

Engineering is general is based around improving various systems. This in turn boosts the quality of life worldwide. It can be very satisfying to see products in real life having a big effect on people that you had a part in developing or improving.

electrical testing

8. Changing the world

Whichever area you’re working in, you have the capacity to play a part in changing the world. Developing new technologies in areas like healthcare are incredibly impactful on the daily lives of many, and this is true of every electrical engineering field.

9. Job security

The sector you’ll be working in is essential to the functioning of economies and societies worldwide. Plenty of roles are available and will continue to be, especially in the UK where businesses claim a shortage of engineers.

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